Gerbing's Hybrid Heated Insoles
We've all had cold feet sometime in our lives. We're talking REAL cold. Not just wedding-day jitters. Cold, stiff, tender feet can turn any ride into a miserable one. But Gerbing's Hybrid Heated Insoles are designed to deliver powerful, warming heat. And unlike the other heated insoles, ours provide heat over their entire surface area.
The Gerbing Hybrid Heated Insoles will keep your feet toasty warm, on or off the bike. Because Gerbing's Hybrid Heated Insoles are designed to connect to your other Gerbing's Heated Gear, run them straight off your bike's battery, or you can power them off the Gerbing's 128MVKT Multivolt Battery Kit (sold separately).
What you need to use this product
All of our 12v heated clothing products form a true interconnected system in which every item connects to everything else. You can wear a jacket, gloves, pants, and insoles with only a single connection to your battery. For example, our gloves and insoles plug into our three-prong connecting harness or directly into our pants or jacket.